At Counselling

Southern Highlands

we want you to get the care you deserve.

Counselling Wollongong Amna Pervais Life Management Coaching

Getting the results you need from your Counselling

Jacob Montoya and Amna Pervais offer best practice counselling in the Southern Highlands and provide quality mental health care. As a counselling focussed mental health team, we assist members by providing therapy, life management, coaching, and more. We help our clients get the results they seek by offering face to face, on-line, and telephone sessions.

Counselling Wollongong Jacob Montoya Healing Inner Conflict

A modern approach

We offer help to understand the context on which your predicament emerges. Rather than do things the typical way, we’ve created a system designed around our patients’ needs. Healing Inner Conflict (HIC) offers clients tangible results in a relatively short time frame

Our rates

Individual therapy

Online or in-person, this is designated for individuals to process and explore their situation offering results that are sustainable.Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-weekly.

60 mins | $165 | Get started

Couples session

Online or in-person, these sessions will show you what processes are going on that get in the way of functional relating and how to learn the practical skills of how to deal with triggered situations and respond differently.

60 mins | $200| Get started

Coaching session

Online or in-person, this session will help you with what you care most about and develop a plan to achieve personal and professional goals. 

60 mins | $155| Get started

Family/Group session

In-person only, this session mediates between family or group members to show the dynamics which need to be refined in order to get the outcomes desired.

60 mins | $245| Get started

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Counselling Southern Highlands today.